
Is Black Friday Harming UK Business?

Is Black Friday Harming UK Businesses?

This year has thrown up many challenges for small UK businesses. Now, as we enter our second lockdown so close to Christmas, we anticipate a surge in online sales as people stay at home…

How To Increase Trust With Testimonials

How To Increase Trust With Testimonials

// Are you asking for testimonials and putting them to use across your website?  It can be hard to find the time (and the right way) to ask your customers for a review without…

A busy craft fair being held in a chapel

How To Sell At Craft Fairs

Start selling at craft fairs with confidence with these tips. Learn everything from how to pick the right events, setting up your stall, pricing your products for the event and more.

A laptop with Create's website loaded on it, resting on a coffee bench with coffee beside

Why Small Businesses Need A Website

These days, when people want something, they Google it. It’s the first port of call when people want to find out more about any product or service, yet 1 in 4 small retail…

A person writing with pen and paper at their desk

How to Write Website Terms and Conditions

Protecting your business and establishing a legal foundation for you and your customers should be a priority, but it can be difficult to know where to begin and what to include. Take a look at our top tips for writing the best Terms and Conditions for your website.

Eight alternatives to Royal Mail with a graphic of a hand holding a parcel

Eight Alternatives to Royal Mail

Royal Mail is no longer the de facto postage and courier service for the UK, albeit obviously still a big deal for many. Over recent years there has been a rise in the use of alternative…

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