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Blogs are a great way of generating interest in your site and improving your SEO. Similarly, carefully targeting your blogs to the time of day your audience is likely to view them is useful for making sure the most eyes possible see it.

Rather than needing to be at your computer ready to post a blog at a specific time, you can easily schedule your blog posts in your Create account.

To schedule a blog post for a future date

By setting the date and time of your blog for a future date, it will only appear on your site at the time specified. To schedule a post, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log into your Create account.
  2. Click "Content" on the top menu.
  3. Click the edit (pencil) icon beside Blog to add/edit posts.
  4. When creating a new post, modify the date to the day and time you would like it to be published on your site.
  5. Fill in the rest of your blog information.
  6. Hit "Publish Blog Post."

Your post will then publish on the date specified.

Please note that the date and time of blogs are referenced in GMT - see our guide for more information relating to this.

More Questions?

If you have any further questions, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.

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