How to Successfully Gather Glowing Customer Testimonials for Your Small Business Website

Blog > How to Successfully Gather Glowing Customer Testimonials for Your Small Business Website

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Collecting more 5-star feedback

Understanding the art of asking for customer testimonials can significantly enhance your credibility and attract more customers and clients online. However, collecting such testimonials can feel awkward and uncomfortable to ask for when you’re just starting out. We’ve all been there.

There’s definitely an art to getting the right kind of feedback you’re looking for as well. Approaching with the right questions at the right time can be challenging. But don't worry! Our platform is designed to make this process as smooth as possible. 

Let's dive into how and when to ask for testimonials to help you receive positive and useful feedback:


The Optimal Moment to Request a Testimonial

Timing is crucial when asking for feedback. The best time to request a testimonial is when the shopping experience is fresh in the customer’s mind. Here's how you can integrate this into your interaction without it feeling awkward:


1. Utilise Order Confirmations and Dispatch Notifications:

When a customer completes a purchase, they expect a certain level of communication from you, such as order confirmations and dispatch details

These touchpoints are perfect opportunities to introduce a feedback request. You can link to your Survey Page in these communications to gauge their initial impressions and pave the way for a detailed testimonial later.

Remember, phrasing is key—ensure it feels like a natural part of the conversation rather than an imposition. For example:

"Thank you for your purchase! We’d love to hear about your shopping experience. Could you spare a minute to answer a few quick questions? Your feedback helps us improve and serve you better!"


2. Customise Your Communications:

You can leverage our Order Management System to personalise the notifications and reminders sent to customers. This system doesn’t just track orders; it can be a powerful tool for enhancing customer interaction. For example, when sending an order confirmation, include a few non-invasive questions like:

  • How would you rate your buying experience with us?

  • Why did you choose our product/service?

  • Would you recommend us to a friend?

These questions are straightforward yet insightful, allowing you to assess their initial satisfaction and set the stage for a follow-up review.


Strategies to Enhance Feedback Quality

When you know how to engage and prompt your visitors during the customer journey, it’s time to think about how you might receive those stand-out testimonials that deliver real impact for your business. 

This is a case of not just being active throughout the purchasing journey, but thoughtfully approaching after the sales interaction to check in, make sure everything’s okay, and prompt for a little bit more than the feedback you’ve previously asked for:


1. Follow-Up After Product Delivery:

When your customer receives their product, it’s an excellent time to ask for a comprehensive review. A follow-up email or a note included in the delivery package can go a long way. Customise this message to reflect what they purchased and ask specific questions about their experience:

"We hope you're enjoying your new [product]! We strive for the best and would love to know how [specific feature] is working out for you. Could you share your thoughts on our Testimonials Page? It would mean a lot to us!"


2. Personal Emails Can Make a Difference:

A week or so after the product has been delivered, send a personalised follow-up email. This shows that you value the customer beyond the transaction. Reference their initial feedback if available, and invite them to provide a more detailed testimonial:

"It was wonderful to hear that you had a great shopping experience with us last week. Could you share what specifically stood out for you? Your insights could help others discover our products!"


3. Show That You Care:

Just like a waiter checks if you’re enjoying your meal, follow up with your customers to show that their opinions genuinely matter. This approach not only enhances customer service but also increases the likelihood of obtaining positive testimonials.

You can demonstrate this ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction by checking in after your initial follow-up. This could be through a phone call (if appropriate), a personalised email, or even a thank you card sent by mail. Such gestures make the customer feel valued and more likely to provide positive, detailed feedback.


Utilising Testimonials for Your Business Growth

That’s all there is to it! The process of asking for detailed feedback and testimonials doesn’t have to be painful or awkward. It’s a follow up to show that you care (and with Create, you can automate the majority of this anyway for a much easier process).

Once you’ve collected testimonials, make sure to ask for permission to use their responses for marketing purposes. Showcasing real customer experiences on your website can significantly boost trust and attract new customers.

Remember, not everyone will respond, but consistently applying these strategies will help you build a collection of valuable testimonials.

Want to get started with adding these testimonials to your website? Check out our guide on how to integrate testimonials into your Content Pages to enhance your site’s appeal and effectiveness.

By following these tips, you can effectively gather testimonials that spotlight your business's strengths and customer satisfaction. So, start today and watch your small business thrive with the power of positive feedback!

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