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Support > Website Security > SSL Certificates

What to check if SSL Encryption is not active on your website.

To help ensure SSL can be activated for your website, you will need to check that the following areas have been set up correctly:

External Domain Pointing

If you have added a domain name to your Create account registered elsewhere, you need to ensure that it is pointing correctly at your Create website. If you have added multiple domain names that are not registered with Create, you need to ensure that they all are pointing correctly, as just one being incorrect, will impact the SSL for all of your domains.

To check if your domain name is pointed correctly follow the steps below:

1. Log into your Create account

2. Click Account Icon in the top menu 

3. Click "Site"

4. Click "Manage Domains & Email" 

If you see the below yellow box, this indicates that your domain name is not pointing correctly. You will need to take the settings that are displayed in your Create account and update the DNS Settings with your domain provider:


Domains is set to re-direct

For SSL to work correctly, you need to ensure that your domain names are redirecting correctly. You can do this by following these instructions:

1. Log into your Create account

2. Click Account Icon in the top menu 

3. Click "Site"

4. Click "Manage Domains & Email" 

5. Ensure that the drop-down menu next to your primary domain is set to ‘Redirect other domains’.


Disable Expired Domain Names

For any domains added to your account, which have expired and are no longer needed, you should deactivate them, To deactivate the domain name you can follow these instructions:

1. Log into your Create account

2. Click Account Icon in the top menu 

3. Click Site

4. Click Manage Domains & Email

4. Click the Disable button next to the domain you wish to disable.


Once these are all completed, SSL should be active on your website. If you have any questions about pointing, redirecting or disabling your domain, please contact your Account Manager and they will be happy to help. 

Please note: If you purchase an SSL certificate for your website externally from Create you will not be able to add it to your Create website. Our system does not support externally purchased SSL Certificates. 

More Questions?

If you have any further questions, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.

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