Simon Kimber

Founder & CTO

Hi Everyone, I’m Simon and I’m the founder and CTO at Create. I oversee all the “techie stuff” alongside working with my wife Rebecca on the strategic side. I still like to “get my hands dirty” in some code when I can, but these days that’s mostly done by our incredible team!

I started building websites in the mid ’90s while still at school and by the time I left college was working for one of Brighton’s first web agencies.

By 2000 my own projects and clients had allowed me to go out on my own and I started building a content management system to give them control of their own content.

This quickly revealed an opportunity to do something much greater, something that would put websites within reach of people who could have never previously built one themselves or afforded to have somebody build one for them.

So I set about creating the tools to allow anyone with a computer, an internet connection, an idea, and a bit of motivation, to get themselves online. It’s been so rewarding to help other businesses succeed online and I'm hugely proud of how many businesses got started because we put something previously unattainable within their reach.

When I’m not wearing my Create hat, I might be listening to music, collecting vinyl records, playing guitar, tinkering with 3D printers or mediating heated disputes between our three children. But it’s more likely, lockdowns allowing, that you’ll find me in a tenpin bowling alley somewhere, practicing for leagues and tournaments, or training other bowlers as a qualified coach.

I feel incredibly lucky that Rebecca and I have had the opportunity to bring together such an amazing team at Create who are all so invested in the values and desire to help customers succeed that originally inspired the business 20 years ago.