Hi! I'm Ed, a developer here at Create. This means I spend my time working out how to make our application do the complicated things so you don't have to. I also maintain the server infrastructure we run on, making sure your sites are fast and reliable.
I've always enjoyed working with computers, but at a certain point, I started to focus on building websites and tweaking the code behind them to do the things I want. I have also always enjoyed using my knowledge and skills to help others who have less of an interest in computers. Create seemed like a perfect fit for me coming out of university as it lets me do what I love, and help all of you to do what you love at the same time.
In my free time, I love to play board games and tabletop role-playing games. I have also been jumping around various crafty pursuits at the moment, from 3D printing to dice making to miniature painting, and I enjoy the ways these can tie into and support the other things I do.
Create has been a fantastic place to work for several years. We have a great team here and I'm really excited about our mission to make the web a greener, more ethical place to be.